Thursday 22 September 2011

A Second Facebook Page?

From L. Adam (personal collection, September 2011)

Another Facebook page I thought to myself, that just means more passwords to remember! But, yes Laura, this is for the professional you! So yes, you can see my professional page as a flickr screen shot as part 1 and part 2.

With this page, I wanted to reflect the path I have taken to bring me to where I am today. It has not been so easy for me in deciding what I wanted to do for a career. Take my brother for example, he has known he has wanted to be a pilot for about 5 years now, and has not wavered one day from that decision. Yet, I myself bounced between different career ideas-teacher, dietitian, speech therapist, teacher,'s difficult! However, right now I am so happy to say that I think I made the right decision. In class I get to learn about microorganisms that grow in foods, how the body utilizes all the food we eat and how what we eat can promote the health of our body in the future. Our bodies are incredibly, efficient machines.

The professional Facebook profile can be used by future employers to get an idea of who I am and what ideas I would bring to their organization. This could provide an employer with another source of information of who I am, a resume in a different format. Through this Facebook profile, creativity can be expressed more than in a standard resume on paper. I agree with what my fellow student, Larkin, had mentioned: "the internet is a tool that can either help or destroy your chances of succeeding in the work force". Personally, I would rather use the internet in a positive way, and help my chances of succeeding in following my passion.

1 comment:

  1. I like your creativity Laura, Nice job.

    Hope to see more nice stuff from you during the term.


